Best blogger SEO setting in 2020

For a long time blogger makes the new look as default. On the new blogger layout, so many problems you may face. It's so hard to SEO your blog on the new interface of blogger so in this article, I will tell you the best blogger SEO setting in 2020

SEO or search optimization basically helps you to rank your articles and website on the google search result. If you optimize your blog for google search then it's so easy to rank on google for you.

In this article, we will talk about every SEO setting we got on the blogger. So let's see the all SEO setting of blogger one by one.


Best blogger SEO setting in 2020
Favicon is the identity of your site. When you open any website on any browser then maybe you see an icon on the browser tab, it's called favicon. Now, how you can change the favicon of your blogger blog. If you want to add the favicon then your image must maintain all the requirements of blogger favicon.


  • Your image must be a square image.
  • Your image size is must be under 2MB.

Now follow the below steps to change the favicon of your blog:

  1. Open your blogger dashboard
  2. Go to setting then scroll down you will see a favicon option.
  3. Now click on the favicon option then choose your image

Title And Description

The blog title is the main identity and description of your blog. Now if you don't know what is blog title and descript then look at the below image:
Now if you want to change the title and description then go to the setting section then change the title and description.

HTTPS Redirect

HTTPS makes your blog connection secure for your visitor if you don't use HTTPS then every browser show HTTPS error. Now HTTPS is a must for every blog if your blog doesn't support HTTPS then open the setting I am showing you in the below image:

Enable Meta Tags and Provide Description

The meta tag helps you to show your sitemap on google. If you want to allow your site on google for the quick patch of your content then simply follow the below step:
  1. Go to the setting section of blogger
  2. Now enable custom robots.txt
  3. Now open the custom robots.txt then add the below code:
    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /
  4. Now add your site home page URL on the site-home-page-here then save the custom robot.txt

Custom Robots Header Tags

On the google search result if you show your archive then it not looks so good, so you can hide the archive of your blog from google search result by using the custom robots header tag.

Home page tags

Archive and search page tags

Post and page tags


These SEO settings in blogger is the most extreme settings to rank your blogger website inside days. Contributing to a blog isn't a simple errand, however it isn't troublesome moreover. In the event that you are into writing for a blog, ensure you are devoted and predictable enough. On the off chance that you are giving customary first rate content, you can just watch the outcomes in 3-4 months on the grounds that SEO and positioning require some serious energy. You can not expect for accomplishment in the night in the wake of applying the settings. Finally, I need to state "All the Best" to up and coming bloggers, and it's a little solicitation to you folks, in the event that you like my article share it and let us develop all-together.